Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Julien Cojan, Fabien Gandon.

This project named DBpedia.fr proposes the creation of a french version of the DBpedia base used in many applications in english, in particular for the publication of cultural collections. Unfortunately, DBpedia is focused on the english version of Wikipedia and ignores some of the french topics and their data. This projects aims at extracting a maximum of RDF data from the french version of Wikipedia and providing a stable and scalable end-point for them. This project is funded by the Ministry of Culture.


Kolflow is an ANR project (2011-2014), it proposes to extend collective intelligence with smart agents relying on automated reasoning. Smart agents can significantly reduce the overhead of communities in the process of continuously building knowledge. Consequently, continuous knowledge building is much more effcient. Kolflow aims at building a social semantic space where humans collaborate with smart agents in order to produce knowledge understandable by humans and machines.

Partners: INRIA Orpailleur & Edelweiss, Silex U. Claude Bernard Lyon, GDD U. of Nantes

Web site: http://kolflow.univ-nantes.fr


DataLift is an ANR project (2010-2013). Its goal is to design a platform to publish and interlink datasets on the Web of data. Datalift will both publish datasets coming from a network of partners and data providers and propose a set of tools for easing the datasets publication process. DataLift brings raw structured data coming from various formats (relational databases, CSV, XML, ...) to semantic data interlinked on the Web of Data.

Partners: INRIA Exmo & Edelweiss, LIRMM, Eurecom, Mondeca, Atos, IGN, INSEE, FING

Web site: http://www.datalift.org


ISICIL is an ANR project (2009-2012), it proposes to study and to experiment with the usage of new tools to assist corporate intelligence tasks. These tools rely on web 2.0 advanced interfaces (blog, wiki, social bookmarking) for interactions and on semantic web technologies for interoperability and information processing.

Partners: INRIA Edelweiss (Project Leader), Telecom ParisTech, Tech-Cico UTT, Ademe, Orange Labs.

Web site: http://isicil.inria.fr